Push your car to its limit at a StratoAttack track sprint competition held at Stratotech Raceway, just 15 minutes north of Edmonton, AB! With 4 race classes to compete in and over 20 records to be set, everyone has something to go for!
What is a Track Sprint?
It's a high-speed autocross (without the Pylons) that uses part of a race track. Vehicles are launched one at a time from a standing start to race against the clock to the finish line.
Everything from your Grandma's Corolla to fully built race cars can compete in this safe non wheel to wheel racing competition. No racing experience or special equipment, other than a helmet, is required.
No course work is required of participants!
$10 from every registration goes to charity!
Check out event coverage at The Flying Penguin
2025 Dates
May 29 - Thursday Evening
July 5 - Saturday - Challenge Day
August 21 - Thursday Evening
September 27 - Saturday - Record Day
To compete at an event you will need:
A driver license
A Snell certified M/SA/K 2015 or newer helmet or ECE 22.05
Register HERE on Motorsportreg.com
Send in an Online Self tech & Sign annual Waiver (Click Here)
Have fun and help out!
Early Entry - $129 (Ends 2 weeks before the event)
Regular - $145
Last Minute - $155 - 1 day before
*Limited to the first 40 Drivers to register
4pm Gates Open
4pm-5pm Event setup
5:20pm - 5:50 pm Practice runs
5:50pm Drivers Meeting
6:00pm to 9:00pm - Competition Runs with Fun Runs After
9:10pm Awards
9:30pm Cleaned up and offsite
The course remains exactly the same for every competition.
Practice runs:
40 km/h max speed
Learn the course & pick your lines
Must remain minimum 10 car lengths distance from car ahead
No passing
May take as many as needed during the allotted time
Speeding or dangerous driving will get you disqualified
Competition runs:
2 run groups
One takes a break while the other drives
Drivers will be given 2 sessions of 4 runs (8 runs total)
Cars will be launched every ~20 seconds
No passing
Each driver's fastest run at the event is used to determine their final position
Dropping two or more tires off the pavement results in an "Off Course" and no time will be given for that run
Top 3 in Class (Sport, Tuner & Performance Classes)
Fastest Time Of the Competition
Fastest Noob (New to racing / track days - 4 or less events)
Get listed as the Record holder for breaking or setting any of the fastest times for the following:
Fastest Overall (All vehicles)
Fastest FWD Car - (Production vehicles)
Fastest RWD Car - (Production vehicles)
Fastest AWD Car - (Production vehicles)
Fastest Class Records (Earn Championship points)
Fastest Muscle Car
Fastest Supercar - (Mid engine exotic cars)
Fastest Classic Muscle Car - (80's and older American muscle cars)
Fastest Street Truck
Fastest Classic JDM Car - (80's & 90's Japanese cars)
Fastest KDM Car - (Cars from Korea)
Fastest Female Driver
Fastest Miata
Fastest FRS/BRZ
Fastest S2000
Fastest Golf
Fastest Civic
Fastest BMW
Fastest Subaru
Fastest Porsche
Record Holder Awards for 2025:
Set the fastest Overall, FWD, RWD, AWD or Class record & maintain it until the end of the season to win a Trophy
Only 1 allowed
Must be wearing same safety gear as driver
Must sign the event waiver
Must be of 16 years of age or older
Live results viewable at www.dmstiming.ca (Tap on the red Live Results button)
Records & results will be posted and updated on the website after the event finishes.
Place in the Top 7 in your class to gain points towards the Championship
Challenge Day
A special one day competition that has drivers completing the course in both forward & reverse direction. Each drivers fastest run from each direction is combined to get their final score. No course work is required of participants at this event!
Forward direction in AM & Reverse direction in PM
5 competition runs per direction
2 low speed practice runs are given before competition runs for both directions
Top 3 in each class will receive a trophy, with 1st place in each winning a FREE entry into The StratoCup on September 14!
Saturday July 5, 2025
8am - 4pm
$159 Early Entry (Ends 2 weeks before the event)
$175 Regular
$185 Last minute
Registration opens April 1st. Event is limited to the first 60 to register.
Record Day
An end of season event where drivers go all out to set a new record or personal best before the track closes for the season.
Morning and Afternoon session available
Open pit lane, no restriction on number of runs taken
Saturday September 27, 2025
AM Session 9:30 a.m - 12:30 p.m
Afternoon session 1 pm - 4 pm
Limited to 30 drivers per session